Legal History Posts

A Legal History of Adoption in Ontario, 1921-2015

Law, Debt, and Merchant Power
The Civil Courts of Eighteenth-Century Halifax

The Judicial Committee and the British North America Act
An Analysis of the Interpretative Scheme for the Distribution of Legislative Powers

Lawyers’ Empire
Legal Professions and Cultural Authority, 1780-1950

Fragile Settlements
Aboriginal Peoples, Law, and Resistance in South-West Australia and Prairie Canada

Fragile Settlements
Aboriginal Peoples, Law, and Resistance in South-West Australia and Prairie Canada

Lawyers’ Empire
Legal Professions and Cultural Authority, 1780-1950

In Search of the Ethical Lawyer
Stories from the Canadian Legal Profession

The Idea of a Moral Economy
Gerard of Siena on Usury, Restitution, and Prescription

From Recognition to Reconciliation
Essays on the Constitutional Entrenchment of Aboriginal and Treaty Rights